COVID-19 & Island Food Security

Of the many challenges for islands created in COVID-19's devastating wake, is to ensure their citizens do not go hungry.  Communities, governments and institutions are responding with solidarity and innovation to uplift and  boost  local food and nutrition infrastructure and systems  for  islanders both in the immediate and long term.



Key Takeaways

The Platform highlighted a number of innovations and bright spots in islands around the world.

  • Island representatives indicated they are looking beyond the near term crisis to identify ways of improving food security, nutrition and sustainable food production in an integrated way and are responding to the crisis with innovation and resolve to improve long term outcomes.

  • Substituting food imports with local food can lead to major improvements in health outcomes, and through a focus on sustainability, islands have a major opportunity to support local food production while providing leadership in climate-friendly agricultural practices.

  • The development of locally driven sustainable development goals for locally sourced food, nutrition and sustainability can also be a powerful motivator for islands and communities.