Island Platform on COVID-19 Response

Until the pandemic recedes, protecting health and livelihoods of islanders everywhere will be the highest priority even as islands look beyond the crisis to building a better future.  The COVID-19 Platform will help highlight the experiences, lessons and resources that fellow islands have to offer and draw upon.   The Local2030 Island Network, in partnership with other networks, hosts the COVID-19 Platform to provide a space for sharing, support and solutions during this unprecedented crisis.  


Key Takeaways

Local2030 Islands Network partners will help each other while inspiring local efforts all around the world -- aiming to serve as a beacon to governments, citizens and institutions at all levels and in all regions on the benefits of green growth and the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

COVID-19 has added a fundamental near term threat to health and livelihoods, including job losses, food security, movement of people to and from islands, and remittances among many others.  Islands are showing solidarity and support, and sharing solutions during this time of crisis.

In the near term, the Local2030 Island Network will provide a space for island solidarity and sharing as we respond to the COVID-19 crisis and regenerate island communities to be stronger and more resilient in the future.    

Over time, the Local2030 Island Network will build on this promoting shared resolve, innovative models, and communities of practice around local and global SDG implementation.