Youth Councils for the Sustainable Development Goals

Register your interest in developing a Youth Council for the Sustainable Development Goals for your Island!

The Local2030 Islands Network supports island youth-led and developed initiatives for taking action towards and driving the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as local sustainability and climate frameworks that support them. The Hawaiʻi SDG Youth Council is a student-led group that meets on monthly basis, supporting both educational and leadership pathways for Hawai‘i’s youth on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) while organizing and taking tangible action towards these goals. Island youth provide a much-needed perspective in the climate change and sustainability movements, and creating a forum for their policy involvement within formal systems and structures creates stronger safeguards to ensuring their perspectives are includes.

Many other islands have expressed interest in also creating Youth Councils with similar characteristics to the Hawaiʻi SDG Youth Council - this interest form will capture your interest and the Network will reach out to you for next steps.